Back in december 2006 I visited San Francisco after arrival it took me a full 5 minutes before getting invited to a Party. Actually I'm not that popular it was the Hotels Christmas Party that they were having on the Friday of my stay and all Guests and staff were invited.
The hotel "Beresford Arms" was close to Union Square and was a old building but a nice small friendly place, they even had free wine and cheese hour every evening at 6pm, was a nice touch and helped with meeting other guests/
First morning in the City although it was raining I had a walk around the area in the vicinity of my Hotel and checked out a few shops in the Union Square area, just to get my bearings.

After lunch so I caught a streetcar to Fishermans Wharf, we almost got there when a lorry pulled out in front of us and the driver had to hit the Emergency stop. Apparently when they do this the cars cannot be started again and are towed back to the depot. We all had to get off. The guard said we could walk as it is only five blocks or alternately wait until they get the track going again but it may be awhile so I walked.
Now let me explain San Francisco is supposedly on a hill but this is more like a mountain to someone who lives in a flat area. Certainly gave my legs and lungs a good workout during my 5 days in the city.

2nd day it was agian to Fishermans wharf but this time to catch the ferry to Alcatraz one of SF's must visit attractions. To be honest its just derelict buildings but learning the history of the place and about its infamous guests was very interesting.
One night remember vsiting a local Pub "The White Horse Tavern" for my evening meal and another night a local club called "Biscuit & Blues" where there was a lady singer on called Leah Tysse who was excellent.

Another day when the weather improved I hired a Bike and rode across the Golden Gate Bridge and on to Sausalito a town at the other side that was really pituresque. I reckon I only did about 15 miles but it felt like a lot more, some of the hills took some climbing, it felt like my lungs were on fire on one. Obviously the two girls that overtook me had better bikes.

Also visited Fishermans wharf for a night out on the Saturday and found a Blues Club "Lou's at Pier 47". The singer was a Lady called Annie Sampson who was really good. She actually sang a wide range of music and not just main stream blues, she had the place really rocking.

Another day I had a walk through China Town (apparently SF is the largest in north america) eventually making my way over a few mountains and back to Fishermans Wharf. I spent a big part of the afternoon watching a lady singer and her group "The Grace Woods Trio" appearing on pier 39 she only did songs she wrote herself, again very enjoyable sat in the sun just listening to music.
Was actually one of many very good street entertainers I saw, reckon it adds a lot of charactor to the place.
One little story a little scary at the time was on the way back to the Cable Car I stopped to watch a street magician where a crowd had gathered. Anyway I noticed a couple of shady characters wandering about the crowd and I suspected pickpockets. I warned a couple I had been talking to and within seconds a rather large bloke grabbed my arm and pulled me to one side, he said "Don't interfere with things you know nothing about" I replied saying something like "what you on about". He shouted to accomplaces something and started pointing towards me.
I thought a good time to take evassive action so walked straight across the busy road, a couple of them followed me for about 30 yards but then stopped. I decided I was not quite sure how many and who they were so a good time to leave the area.
San Francisco is a great place to visit and reckon 5 nights is just about right.
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