Story One - Watch Who you sit with
One night i had been out for a meal and on the way back decided to have a pint in a pub around the corner from my hotel. Went in and sat at that bar and got talking to another chap at the side of me, like me he was from out of town and he was friendly a genuine nice guy.
A young lady came into bar and must admit to been slightly disapointed when she sat on the stool next to the other bloke and not the empty one at the side of me.
She joined in with our conversation and we were all three just having a laugh.
After about 20 minutes the doors opened and another bloke came straight over to where we were sat and accused the other bloke of chatting up his girl friend. He was obviously drunk was shouting and the girl tried to calm him.
However he flipped and threw a punch at the other chap (no real damage) before the bouncers pounced on him and pinned him to the ground.
Police were called and he was escorted out of the premises.
Just think it could have been me she sat next to and me that got punched for my trouble.
Story Two - Beggars Belief
Toronto like many cities has its fair share of street beggars but all isn't always what it seems.
One night I had gone out looking for somewhere to eat at about 7pm, I spotted a Small Bar/Grill that looked ok so went in. I sat at the Bar as the chap next to me was just getting up, I noticed him because he didn't look right. He was wearing a oldish out of fasion jacket that was too small and his trousers were at half mast (far too short).
Anyway he paid his Bill with a credit card and actually turned to me and said goodnight, I didn't think anymore about it apart from "he was a bit scruffy".
Later that evening I was walking down Queen street near the main square and youv'e probably guessed it this man was sat on the pavement begging everyone that passed for money. I was totally disgusted he was obviously a con man.
This reminds me of a night out I had in York last year a few of us passed a young girl begging for money in a doorway outside a trendy wine bar. She was sat on a blanket and had a little puppy with her.
I remember while in the bar actually feeling sorry for this girl, I thought to myself I'll give her a couple of quid on my way out. However when we left the girl wasn't there, a young man was in her place and surprising he was on the same blanket with the same puppy. Must work shifts.
Some people will lower themselves to any level to con us out of our money, this really irritates me.
Story Three - Like finding Gold

Anyway I bought their album and actually really liked it, the group never made it big because they broke up but where tipped for the top and their music was likened to Blondie.
Trouble is the albm was a vinyl and as my turntable had long gone I decided if ever i saw the CD I would buy it.
After years of searching record shops (actually like doing that) I found the CD in Sams records a independant store on Yonge Streetin Toronto, came home happy i'll tell you.
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