For me the holiday often starts the night before I travel as I stay over at the airport, this trip was no different and fortunately was able to get in touch with 3 other travellers (Paul, Kay & Victoria) and we met up for a meal at The Three Magpies Pub which was excellent.
On to the holiday and everyone knows that it starts from Chicago (near the Art Institute)and in the words of the song goes more than 2,000 miles, actually travels through 8 startes (Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona & California) before finishing in Los Angeles (Santa Monica pier to be precise).
First two nights in Chicago we stayed at the Palmer House Hilton which is in the Loop (part of city centre) which in my opinion was the only decent hotel choice on this holiday. I like to go out and find a odd nightspot (live music) and most other hotels were on the outskirts of the places we were visiting.
We had our included meal in the hotel on the first night which is a great way to get to know the other travellers, was actually 45 in the group which in my opinion is too big, always reckon no more than 30 is best. More space to spread yourself around especially on the long coach journeys, also its too many to get to know everyone.
After the meal a good few of us walked to Buddy Guys Legends Club, (even Richard our tour manager and Henrique our driver came with us), it was very busy and weren't allowed to sit because we weren't eating which was fair enough so stood near the bar. There was a Jamming session on with many talented artists on stage, noticed the guitarist was Tony Palmer who has a great reputation. Buddy himself was actually in the Club sat at the bar but was more interested in watching baseball on the tv than getting on stage. Think I left around midnight.

Had mentioned to everyone that I was going out at 6pm to get my evening meal while watching a group called Joel Patterson and the modern sounds at Andy's Jazz Club, they do a bit of everything from Jazz to Blues to Rockabilly and were performing the early act.
Seven people decided to join me including Peter and 6 lovely ladies and we had a lovely meal while listening to some excellent music.
On my walk during the day I'd picked up some free tickets (as you do coming from Yorkshire) for a duelling Piano Bar called "Howl at the Moon", its a lively place where they play requests encurage the audience to sing-a-long, rowdy but great fun. Hence after the meal I mentioned I was going and the others where welcome to come along which 6 did, one was a little tired so went back to the hotel. Pardon the pun but we had a "howl" of a time but the funniest part was when Ivy (oldest among us and I worried about it been too rowdy) saw some young ladies with fancy cocktails. Yes she ordered herself one and within 5 minutes of drinking it the young local ladies had her up dancing in front of the stage.

On all the street corners there where miniature cars with interesting paint jobs, murals on walls (we are gonna see plenty of them), there was two small museums and best of all a cracking little cafe with some lovely cakes. Managed one of the museums but hope this year when I do the Heart & Soul trip we'll stop here to catch the other (and visit the cafe for another cake).

Next stop was lunch at the Springfield Illinois (does evey state have a Springfield) and of course this is Abraham Lincoln territory, we had an included tour of his house and also visited his grave, was very interesting.

On the 2nd night in St Louis we had an incuded "night out" at Lacledes Landing the famous nghtlife area. Basically we all chipped in $10 apiece for the coach to take us in the centre then we could do as we pleased. Now I say "night out" with tongue in cheek because ariving at 7pm and leaving at 10pm when many places are just getting going isn't a night out (why hotels should be in th centre people who don't want a late one can go to bed). Anyway to eat we gathered a few of the men together and went to a bar called "Show Me" for food. Actually its very good on the eye because the ladies serving are wearing very skimpy clothes, makes the food much better. Actually 3 of the ladies in our group saw us go in and followed only to ask after gtting inside "are we allowed in here ?" of course they were and joined us.
Funny from the waitress when she told us "I've never served anyone from England before" we asked "how long had she worked there ?" to get the answer "one week" made us laugh but don't think its the size of their brains that get them the job.
After we just had time for a beer at another bar before getting the bus for an early night.
Following day we were back on the road heading for another Springfield this time in Missiouri but onroute we made interesting stops.

Even convinced a group of Americans they should buy Yorkie Bars instead of the rubbish chocolate they produce.

Also on route we had a stop off at the worlds largest rocking chair, these things have to be done.

So on that note I'll end part one of my Route 66 holiday, lots of miles to go.
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