About Me

Travel has always been a passion and in recent years through various reasons I've had the opportunity to follow my dreams and continue to do so.

Many times travelling Solo making many friends along the way.
In fact this blog started life about Solo travel and plenty of information on here for those wanting to go it alone.

Please add comments to any of my posts by using the link at the bottom, they will be moderated to avoid Spam.

If you would like to message me you can email to - mick_w@rocketmail.com

Happy to try to answer any questions i can answer through my travel experience.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Fly Drive

Everyone that knows me will realise I do like travelling over the pond to America, visited many Cities and done touring holidays (coach).

One thing I've not done over there is drive a car and I've always had a wish to do a fly/drive holiday. Trouble is its not something I would do as a solo traveller.

Definately think its a couples or friends thing to do, reckon you need company on the road would be much more of a laugh (and splits the cost of car hire and fuel).

Have actally checked a few sites that specialise in these sort of holidays and there are so many options, I'd actually enjoy the logistics of sorting my own out, in fact I've done it provisionally on a number of ocasions for difrerent areas.

Think with the £ getting stronger against the $ its maybe something i should start to look at possibly for next year or even Autumn this year.

Reckon it would be good to find others interested in the same sort of holiday, feel that 3 people would be a great number if all solo travellers (car not too crowded).

Would be great to hear from others who would be interested in this sort of thing and what areas they would like to tour. Be good to chat with people who fancy the same sort of holiday.

In the past I've looked at the costs touring Northern California & Yosemite starting from San Francisco. Another I looked at is starting from Atlanta and visiting music cities such as Nashville & Memphis, also looked at a tour of Texas. Just so many options in country of that size.

Reckon for 3 people if you plan it yourself you are looking in the region of £1,500 for a 2 week holiday (plus fuel), maybe less. That would include flights, car hire plus single room with breakfasts (many touring hotels provide) but other meals and tourist attractions would be extra.

Just one of my many dreams.


  1. Did you ever get any response to this one Mick?

  2. Yes one person emailed me, showing possible interest in future.
