Welcome to Micks travels, my blog about my experiences following my desire to see the world. Hope those who read enjoy and it enourages others to travel.
About Me
Travel has always been a passion and in recent years through various reasons I've had the opportunity to follow my dreams and continue to do so.
Many times travelling Solo making many friends along the way.
In fact this blog started life about Solo travel and plenty of information on here for those wanting to go it alone.
Please add comments to any of my posts by using the link at the bottom, they will be moderated to avoid Spam.
If you would like to message me you can email to - mick_w@rocketmail.com
Happy to try to answer any questions i can answer through my travel experience.
Many times travelling Solo making many friends along the way.
In fact this blog started life about Solo travel and plenty of information on here for those wanting to go it alone.
Please add comments to any of my posts by using the link at the bottom, they will be moderated to avoid Spam.
If you would like to message me you can email to - mick_w@rocketmail.com
Happy to try to answer any questions i can answer through my travel experience.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Holiday Calories do count
For many of us been on holiday means weight gain and for me this year has been tough one with no fewer than 6 trips completed. And if I'm honest I've not worked hard enough between my trips so have decided i need a push before Xmas followed by another one afterwards.
One thing I'm not prepared to do is diet while on holiday, i like a drink or two and do enjoy my food especially when eating out.
Don't let me fool you my weight as always been on the heavy side but does fluctuate significantly although i'm actually reasonably fit for my age. I actually don't weigh myself i go by my clothes and how tight they feel nd must admit some of my holiday clothes were getting uncomfortable.
So my push began on my return from America and i believe its starting to take effect, its not easy but with will power i'll be able to wear all my glad rags dring the festive season.
One of my issues is my sweet tooth and thats one thing i've cut out completely, don't have anything in the house to tempt me. Bread is another thing I've eliminated at this time so no filling up on that and cheese has been limited. This s definately the right way for me.
I also occasionally would have a bottle of beer at home but not at present.
Am also trying to build up my exercise.
So how do you keep your weight in check following holidays ?
Thought I'd share this with you because I'm sure I'm not alone doing this and it is holiday related.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Americas Heart & Soul - Part 4 - "New Orleans"
First thing I'll say is that I think 450 miles in one day is too far, the interstates we travel down on this holiday arn't the most scenic in America. This Holiday needs to follow route 61 along the Mississippi for this leg of the trip and not I55, extend the holiday by one night with a overnight stop added at either Vicksburg (civil war history) or Clarksdale (birthplace of the blues), seems such a shame racing past them places.
Stephen our tour manager gave us an American history lesson on route to try fill in the hours on the road, a few listened, others plugged there music in while many tried to catch up with needed sleep.
We stopped for lunch at somewhere called Golden Corral an all you can eat buffet for around $12, was very good value i thought, plenty of choice, liked the puddings but i always like puddings.

Our other stop was at the Oak Alley Plantation which told us a bit about the days of the Slave, we also got a tour of the main house plus of course a free drink. Was ok but was there too long but suppose given the distance Ted our driver needed a rest.
As we started approaching the Big Easy we were driving through many swamps finally getting to our hotel early evening. The hotel was virtually an old warehouse but i liked it although some thought a bit far from the French Quarter (15 min walk) but ok by me was a nice area itself and i walk that to my local.
After getting showered and changed we were taken on a walking tour of the French quarter (Jackson square, Bourbon St, etc). Afterwards some returned on the coach while many stayed out to look for food which was a plenty.
Five of us found a bar/cafe we fancied and ordered our drinks and meals. When the meals came only four arrived and guess whose was missing (almost like Dennys last year). The staff were very apologetic even the chef came out to apologise and said it wouldn't be long. Others laughed as when mine came they had about finished and i was starting to feel anorexic, however i had the last laugh when the knocked it off my bill, first meal in new Orleans was a freebie. We eventually went back to the hotel for a couple more drinks before getting our heads down following a long day.
Next day was Teds final day with us, decent chap so thought most of us tipped him well and in the morning he took us over the longest bridge in the world (24 miles) over water for those that wanted to. This was followed by a City tour with a local guide which was ok but as i've said its not perfect on a coach.

The highlight of the evening was the Mississippi River Jazz cruise, enjoyed it the music ws excellent although i'm no jazz expert, the meal was adequate but not the best i've had. However do think all those that went seemed to enjoy.

Following day was the one optional excuursion i opted for, the swamp tour which was good, saw plenty of alligators and our boat driver had a small young one on board for those that wanted to handle one. However he stupidly held it on one of our ladies backs that didn't want it near her, frightend her somewhat which was well out of order and i hope someone from JY complains to the company because Stephen was made aware on our return.
On our return we had some free time in late afternoon to do our own things i took the opportunity to go to the Louisiana Confederate Museum, was small and wish i had more time to visit the much larger world war 2 museum next door. Still its a city i feel we just scatched the surfice so may go back one day.
Went out to eat in the French quarter then to a bar advertising music we had seen not too far from the hotel. Thought it would be good but sadly can only describe it as noise somewhat spoiling the last night for me, bad choice as plenty of other options in New Orleans.

Finally on the last morning before making our way to the airport some of us found time to visit the Madri Gras Museum which was basically a big warehouse where the design, make, repair and store some of the floats. Was wel worth the visit.
So summing up the holiday, it was good but could be improved in my opinion with a few little tweaks. Stephen our our manager was excellent certainly no complaints there and it was a nice group of people to travel with. My personal experience was a bit spoilt by my sore ankle and not sleeping too good through other issues in the early part but that was all just bd timing and othing to do with the holiday. If you fancy it, go for it as there are many excellent experiences and highlights on the way.
Stephen our tour manager gave us an American history lesson on route to try fill in the hours on the road, a few listened, others plugged there music in while many tried to catch up with needed sleep.
We stopped for lunch at somewhere called Golden Corral an all you can eat buffet for around $12, was very good value i thought, plenty of choice, liked the puddings but i always like puddings.
As we started approaching the Big Easy we were driving through many swamps finally getting to our hotel early evening. The hotel was virtually an old warehouse but i liked it although some thought a bit far from the French Quarter (15 min walk) but ok by me was a nice area itself and i walk that to my local.
Five of us found a bar/cafe we fancied and ordered our drinks and meals. When the meals came only four arrived and guess whose was missing (almost like Dennys last year). The staff were very apologetic even the chef came out to apologise and said it wouldn't be long. Others laughed as when mine came they had about finished and i was starting to feel anorexic, however i had the last laugh when the knocked it off my bill, first meal in new Orleans was a freebie. We eventually went back to the hotel for a couple more drinks before getting our heads down following a long day.
The highlight of the evening was the Mississippi River Jazz cruise, enjoyed it the music ws excellent although i'm no jazz expert, the meal was adequate but not the best i've had. However do think all those that went seemed to enjoy.
On our return we had some free time in late afternoon to do our own things i took the opportunity to go to the Louisiana Confederate Museum, was small and wish i had more time to visit the much larger world war 2 museum next door. Still its a city i feel we just scatched the surfice so may go back one day.
So summing up the holiday, it was good but could be improved in my opinion with a few little tweaks. Stephen our our manager was excellent certainly no complaints there and it was a nice group of people to travel with. My personal experience was a bit spoilt by my sore ankle and not sleeping too good through other issues in the early part but that was all just bd timing and othing to do with the holiday. If you fancy it, go for it as there are many excellent experiences and highlights on the way.
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Americas Heart & Soul - Part 3 - "Memphis"
It was agreed to stop and get food at a large Walmarts which was actually fine as i don't mind a sandwich at Lunch. Also gave a few of us chance to do some bargain shopping and i came away with a couple of pairs of Wrangler jeans for $22 each (about £14 to my reckoning).
At this stage need to say we had a birthday on the coach, not just any birthday it was Dawns 40th so we all gave her a rendition of the song while Stephen our Tour Manager presented her with a cupcake with 4 candles on (one for each decade).
We then got to our hotel which was located only a couple of blocks to Beale Street where everyone was heading for the food and nightlife. So it was a quick shower & shave and hit Beale, group i was with decided to eat at Silky O'Sullivans Irish Bar, was a woman singer on and by the looks of the black rings around her eyes think she was on something sronger than aspirin. She had a decent voice but killed a few songs by been too loud (or am i getting old).
After the meal had a walk up Beale looking in a few souvenier shops so June & Steve could compete in the fridge magnet competition.
For entertainment we had decided on Blues City Cafe where a group called Hillbilly Casino where playing, they were a Rockabilly act from Nashville and when the walked on stage the looked crazy but was they good, awesome i would and what a range of songs. Some people bought their teeshirts but for some unknown reason i wanted one but ended up with their Christmas Album. Latest night out of the holiday but definately a Memphis highlight.
Following morning and breakfast at TGI Fridays which was ok it was off to Church and a Gospel Service, turned out interesting but even if you didn't like it you couldn't leave judging by the bouncers on the doors keeping people in. The Gospel singers were amazing nd the lead singer had a cracking voice and they even had a guitarist & drummer in the church.
Now the reverand was something out of the movies and he gave a sermon like you've never seen he also encouraged a lot of friendship and we all had to give people near us a hug on more than ne occasion. Certainly was a experience.
Following our escape from the hugs and handshakes it was on to Graceland where we spent 5 hours, for me 4 hours would have been enough but appreciate more ardent Elvis fans would want to stay all weekend.
That night some of us decided to eat at TGI Fridays food was fine but they took an age for them to find us some knifes & Forks, ok for those with chips but me as i had mash with my meal. Poor service to be honest and didn't really deserve their tips that we gave them.
Afterwards it was a walk to Beale for a couple of Beers but it was much quieter on a Sunday night as most of the weekend crowd had gone home.
So thats Memphis and following Day it would be on the road again for the trek to New Orleans.
Monday, 17 November 2014
Americas Heart & Soul - Part 2 - "St Louis"
Day 4 and we hit the road meeting our coach driver Ted who was a really nice bloke.
One stopover was Springfield Illinois of course known for one person Abraham Lincoln (well other than Bart Simpson). First part of the visit was to his Grave or should I say Tomb, had done this 2 years ago on route 66 but followed at the back of the group.
Then it was on to a new museum dedicated to Lincolns life, showing all stages of it, enjoyed this as it was all new to me. This also coincided with lunch and a few of us walked a couple of blocks and just past the old state capitol building was a place called Robbies and was really nice, good food with real friendly staff.
After we had been fed and watered it was onto Lincolns house but a bit of a botch up with the bookings resulted in our group not been allowed in. Apparently JY had been told it was closed but had been given the December schedule instead of November.
Must say Springfield is just about Lincoln with pictures & statues everywhere which resulted inthe term "Lincolned Out" been used, think John Wilks Booth nearly became our hero.
Then onto St Louis and the check in at our hotel, nice place but think they got the staff from MacDonalds failures, totally let a nice hotel down. Fortunately i was ok in my room but many others in our group where doubled booked, some had key cards that didn't work (took 45 mins to reprogramme) and bar staff that went awol when you wanted a drink.
To be honest St Louis wasn't my favorite part of the holiday, I'd come on the trip with a injured ankle and had been taking prescribed anti-inflammetries which were making me feel ill. Was also very tired as not been sleeping too well again due to problems i brought from home swimming around in my head.
First night in the city people scattered in all directions, some came with me to Lacledes Landing as i'd promised to take them to a bar i know called Show Me (ok the servers are good on the eye). We had to cross some road works to get there and nearly got run over in the process as no footpaths.
Getting there found most places including Show Me closed, did find a Pubwhere we ate but can't believe how quiet the so called entertainment district was, certainly gone downhill since my previous visits.

On day 5 we visited the Gateway Ach which most of our group went up, done it before so i decided to check out the museum underneath. Then it was the City Tour which was good took us to lots of places, Forest Park is a beautiful part of the world and we also stopped for lunch at the market (although i had a sarnie from subway) before finishing the tour at the Brewery (never mind the tour the freebies was good).
After getting back to fawlty towers some of the group decided to go to the City Museum but I was struggling with a mix of ankle pain and tiredness so decided to go to my room for a rest only to find room service there so went back to the bar for a beer while they finished.
Finally got to me room to find the had taken all the towells but missed the bath towell i had hung on the back of the door, decided to use this for everything rather than try get sense out of reception.
That night we ate at a Chinese restaurant close to the hotel, was good can recommend to others visiting the city. Was planning to go to some bars i know past the Baseball stadium as they have good live music but i was too tired and opted for an early night (unheard of for me). Lack of sleep, sore ankle had taken their toll and believe it or not i crashed at 9-15pm. Slept really well which put me in much better form for the rest of the holiday, my ankle also got better from this point.
So that was St Louis and the following morning we hit the road to Memphis not before leaving a note for room service to tell them my tip was with my towells.
Then it was on to a new museum dedicated to Lincolns life, showing all stages of it, enjoyed this as it was all new to me. This also coincided with lunch and a few of us walked a couple of blocks and just past the old state capitol building was a place called Robbies and was really nice, good food with real friendly staff.
After we had been fed and watered it was onto Lincolns house but a bit of a botch up with the bookings resulted in our group not been allowed in. Apparently JY had been told it was closed but had been given the December schedule instead of November.
Must say Springfield is just about Lincoln with pictures & statues everywhere which resulted inthe term "Lincolned Out" been used, think John Wilks Booth nearly became our hero.
Then onto St Louis and the check in at our hotel, nice place but think they got the staff from MacDonalds failures, totally let a nice hotel down. Fortunately i was ok in my room but many others in our group where doubled booked, some had key cards that didn't work (took 45 mins to reprogramme) and bar staff that went awol when you wanted a drink.
To be honest St Louis wasn't my favorite part of the holiday, I'd come on the trip with a injured ankle and had been taking prescribed anti-inflammetries which were making me feel ill. Was also very tired as not been sleeping too well again due to problems i brought from home swimming around in my head.
First night in the city people scattered in all directions, some came with me to Lacledes Landing as i'd promised to take them to a bar i know called Show Me (ok the servers are good on the eye). We had to cross some road works to get there and nearly got run over in the process as no footpaths.
Getting there found most places including Show Me closed, did find a Pubwhere we ate but can't believe how quiet the so called entertainment district was, certainly gone downhill since my previous visits.
After getting back to fawlty towers some of the group decided to go to the City Museum but I was struggling with a mix of ankle pain and tiredness so decided to go to my room for a rest only to find room service there so went back to the bar for a beer while they finished.
Finally got to me room to find the had taken all the towells but missed the bath towell i had hung on the back of the door, decided to use this for everything rather than try get sense out of reception.
That night we ate at a Chinese restaurant close to the hotel, was good can recommend to others visiting the city. Was planning to go to some bars i know past the Baseball stadium as they have good live music but i was too tired and opted for an early night (unheard of for me). Lack of sleep, sore ankle had taken their toll and believe it or not i crashed at 9-15pm. Slept really well which put me in much better form for the rest of the holiday, my ankle also got better from this point.
So that was St Louis and the following morning we hit the road to Memphis not before leaving a note for room service to tell them my tip was with my towells.
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Americas Heart & Soul - Part 1 - "Chicago"
Just back from a enjoyable holiday "Americas Heart & Soul" with Just You which took in 4 Cities, Chicago, St Louis, Memphis & New Orleans. Decided to write this blog in 4 parts as it seems logical.
Unusually for my trips wih JY I actually knew two of my fellow passengers June & Steve who both did the same holiday last year, was great to catch up as not seen either since although exchanged a few emails.
June actually drove to my house and travelled to Heathrow with me and we eventually got to our overnight hotel by 6pm despite a few delays on the M1. We had arranged to meet Jan & Stuart through the Just You forum.
We found Jan first as she was waiting in front of reception as arranged, Stuart had also arrived so at 7pm the 4 of us crossed the road to the Three Magpies for a meal.
The following morning after a good hotel breakfast we caught the service bus (free flow) to the central bus station then to the terminal. Security was quick so we made our way to the lounge to start to meet a few others on the trip. Must say this is a great way of people meeting and i think it would be good for Just You to include on all holidays.
Flight as usual was boring but was on time which was a plus as i intended to go out in Chicago for a meal at a Irish Pub I know then on to a Blues Club and had previously voiced my concern with been on a afternoon flight. Got a big shock when reaching immigration in Chicago, got through in 10 minutes which is a record for me, never beaten my luggage before, was estimating over an hour.
Our Luggage was also soon there so we all (36 of us) made our way outside to catch our coach to the hotel, was a bit dissapointed that we had to wait 30 minutes for our coach to turn up, not sure what happend there but we were still ahead of my estimate time.
Got to the hotel just after 7pm and as our tour manager Stephen had moved the welcome meal back to the 2nd night mentioned to others i was off to an Irish Pub then Blues Club at 8pm.
Thought a couple may turn up but as it happend 12 of us made our way to Fado's for our meal only to find the place packed, apparently there was a big convention in town and everywhere would be busy throughout our stay.
Failing to get a table i came up with plan "b" another pub i know called the Kerryman and fortunately they moved tables around to seat the 12 of us together. Meal was good and it allowed a few of the group to get to know each other.
Afterwards seven of us went to Blue Chicago for some live music while the others decided to call it a night. Wasn't the best act i've seen but the place was bouncing due to the influx of people from the convention, certainly was a good way to spend our first night.
Day two we were up early for a included breakfast at the top of the Hancock Tower, breakfast was mediocre to say the least and we were a little unlucky to hit a misty day so the view wasn't at its best. Also my camera had decided to jam up (which i repaired later in the day) so was unable to take any pictures although others have promised to send theirs.
On the plus side gave me the chance to have a go on"Tilt" the glass window that tilts you forward looking straight down from the 96th floor.
It was then onto the City Tour for the next 3 hours or so and to be honest thought it could have been better, sure we visited many things around the City but was dissapointed a few important Chicago landmarks seemed to have been ommited (was a better tour for route 66 two years ago). Missed where the likes of the Biograph Theatre (Dillinger shot here), Wrigley Field, China Town, music studios (Chess), etc.
We eventually finished the tour at one of my favorite places the Navy Pier only to find many parts of it under refurbishment but the food court was open so was able to get a bite of lunch.
After lunch got lift back to the hotel before having a walk up the Magnificent Mile which was decorated with painted horses, grabbed a coffee in Dunkin Donuts (much better than Starbucks IMO) before going to get ready for the evening.
We all were taken to a local Pizza restaurant to try the traditional Chicago Deep Pan Pizza and to be honest its not my favorite meal, see slice of Pizza more of a lunch thing if anything. Still it all part of the local culture and as to be done but will let others comment on what they thought of it, although will add my sweet tough enjoyed the pudding course.
Afterwards a few of us decided to try Howl at the Moon duelling Piano bar only to be refused entry because there was a private event on (convention people again), so we just had a couple of beers in a local pub before calling it a night.
Day Three and a free day to do what you like and Chicago certainly as a lot to offer, five of us decided to catch a bus to the south side and visit the Museum of Science & Industry, we spent 5 hours there was superb even the food in the cafe at lunch time was good.
Talking to others in the group they all did different things, many the river cruise, others went to the Art Institute, some to the Zoo, some to a David Bowie exhibition, etc.
One thing everyone I spoke to agreed on is having a free day in such a great City is a very good idea.
On the evening it was the included visit to a Blues Club and was surprised to see it changed from a Club I like Kingston Mines to Buddy Guys Legends which is too touristy for me. Also you only get one act while you get two alternating at the Mines.
The act was average compared to some Blues acts I've seen although others thought it was good and really enjoyed it.
It was up early on Day four as we moved on to St Louis but chatting around the group everbody did enjoy Chicago and many said they would love to go back sometime.
Unusually for my trips wih JY I actually knew two of my fellow passengers June & Steve who both did the same holiday last year, was great to catch up as not seen either since although exchanged a few emails.
June actually drove to my house and travelled to Heathrow with me and we eventually got to our overnight hotel by 6pm despite a few delays on the M1. We had arranged to meet Jan & Stuart through the Just You forum.
We found Jan first as she was waiting in front of reception as arranged, Stuart had also arrived so at 7pm the 4 of us crossed the road to the Three Magpies for a meal.
The following morning after a good hotel breakfast we caught the service bus (free flow) to the central bus station then to the terminal. Security was quick so we made our way to the lounge to start to meet a few others on the trip. Must say this is a great way of people meeting and i think it would be good for Just You to include on all holidays.
Flight as usual was boring but was on time which was a plus as i intended to go out in Chicago for a meal at a Irish Pub I know then on to a Blues Club and had previously voiced my concern with been on a afternoon flight. Got a big shock when reaching immigration in Chicago, got through in 10 minutes which is a record for me, never beaten my luggage before, was estimating over an hour.
Our Luggage was also soon there so we all (36 of us) made our way outside to catch our coach to the hotel, was a bit dissapointed that we had to wait 30 minutes for our coach to turn up, not sure what happend there but we were still ahead of my estimate time.
Thought a couple may turn up but as it happend 12 of us made our way to Fado's for our meal only to find the place packed, apparently there was a big convention in town and everywhere would be busy throughout our stay.
Failing to get a table i came up with plan "b" another pub i know called the Kerryman and fortunately they moved tables around to seat the 12 of us together. Meal was good and it allowed a few of the group to get to know each other.
Afterwards seven of us went to Blue Chicago for some live music while the others decided to call it a night. Wasn't the best act i've seen but the place was bouncing due to the influx of people from the convention, certainly was a good way to spend our first night.
On the plus side gave me the chance to have a go on"Tilt" the glass window that tilts you forward looking straight down from the 96th floor.
It was then onto the City Tour for the next 3 hours or so and to be honest thought it could have been better, sure we visited many things around the City but was dissapointed a few important Chicago landmarks seemed to have been ommited (was a better tour for route 66 two years ago). Missed where the likes of the Biograph Theatre (Dillinger shot here), Wrigley Field, China Town, music studios (Chess), etc.
We eventually finished the tour at one of my favorite places the Navy Pier only to find many parts of it under refurbishment but the food court was open so was able to get a bite of lunch.
We all were taken to a local Pizza restaurant to try the traditional Chicago Deep Pan Pizza and to be honest its not my favorite meal, see slice of Pizza more of a lunch thing if anything. Still it all part of the local culture and as to be done but will let others comment on what they thought of it, although will add my sweet tough enjoyed the pudding course.
Afterwards a few of us decided to try Howl at the Moon duelling Piano bar only to be refused entry because there was a private event on (convention people again), so we just had a couple of beers in a local pub before calling it a night.
One thing everyone I spoke to agreed on is having a free day in such a great City is a very good idea.
On the evening it was the included visit to a Blues Club and was surprised to see it changed from a Club I like Kingston Mines to Buddy Guys Legends which is too touristy for me. Also you only get one act while you get two alternating at the Mines.
The act was average compared to some Blues acts I've seen although others thought it was good and really enjoyed it.
It was up early on Day four as we moved on to St Louis but chatting around the group everbody did enjoy Chicago and many said they would love to go back sometime.
Friday, 14 November 2014
Jet Lag
Just got from my American touring holiday this afternoon and can't believe I can't sleep and am blaming jet lag.
Usually on the day i arrive home i stay awake until about 9pm, go to bed and sleep and get back in the routine.
Considering i've been on the go for around 30 hours cant understand it, i feel tired but my brain just wont shutdown, laid in bed an hour but decided to get out and write this post.
Its an interesting point but my body clock is 6 hours behind of course which certainly doesn't help, but it really does normally work for me (staying awake all day after getting home).
Anyone else have the same problem returning from the States ?
How do you deal with it ?
Off back to bed now to try again.
Update :- Did get to sleep on my 2nd attempt (sometime after 10pm) and slept really well until 9-30 this morning, seems to have done me some good as i'm not feeling tired at all.
Usually on the day i arrive home i stay awake until about 9pm, go to bed and sleep and get back in the routine.
Considering i've been on the go for around 30 hours cant understand it, i feel tired but my brain just wont shutdown, laid in bed an hour but decided to get out and write this post.
Its an interesting point but my body clock is 6 hours behind of course which certainly doesn't help, but it really does normally work for me (staying awake all day after getting home).
Anyone else have the same problem returning from the States ?
How do you deal with it ?
Off back to bed now to try again.
Update :- Did get to sleep on my 2nd attempt (sometime after 10pm) and slept really well until 9-30 this morning, seems to have done me some good as i'm not feeling tired at all.
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