And once up could see why its something everyone wants to do, fantastic views of the city, and could do the full 360degrees definately a must do for people visiting Berlin. Also there is a small bar up the top so had a couple of soft drinks before going back down.
Thats not mentioning the St George slaying the dragon statue overlooking the river.
We then had a walk to the "English Garden" where there was a really nice cafe and we wished we had lunched there to be honest.
More wasps though, seemed everywhere and poor J got stung on her cheek.
We then made our way to the S-bahn to the Europa Centre looking for souveniers but nothing caught the eye so jumped on a U-bahn to Potsdamer platz to visit the Mall of Berlin. Its a really impressive shopping centre with 100's of shops.
Finally back to the hotel to get ready for our last nights festivities, not without stopping off for our daily cocktail.
We decided to try an Italian restaurant not far from the front of our hotel, must say it was excellent and the best meal of the five evenings, in fact think if i listed the meals in order they got better each night. Thats not saying any were bad the food in Berlin although not German was good.
Afterwards it was back to the Irish Pub we had spent saturday night, again a great atmosphere and the had a rock band on that played many classics. Not the best i've heard but good fun all the same.
Day 6 - After a late breakfast it was time to check out but we arranged to leave our luggage at the hotel as didn't need to go to the airport by late afternoon.
It was in a really upmarket neighbourhood with some nice houses and about half a mile from the station.
On the way back to the Station we found a lovely cafe, was quite upmarket but well worth the visit for their large selection of cakes (spoilt for choice).
Eventually back to the hotel to collect our bags and jump in a taxi to the airport.
Journey went well, was slightly late setting off but arrived on time, and only had a short wait bfore catching our connecting flights and going our own ways.
Summary :-
Berlin is fantastic city, very visitor friendly and wouldn't surprise myself if i return one day. Was also great to have J as a travelling companion, is always good to have someone to eat with on a evening never mind through the day.
Despite not meeting before and only chatting on the JY forum and by email via this blog we found we enjoyed much similar things and I fully enjoyed the holiday.
It was a big advantage we were both experienced and confident tourists of course and we got to see a city that we both wanted to. Its a shame others couldn't join us.
Still got a City break to Madrid booked this year and that is again with Avios but totally solo, then I've my biggie to Cuba with "Just You" to look forward to.
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